Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Olmstead Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 22, 2021 from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. will be held in the Dakota Room of Job Service ND,  1601 E. Century Avenue in Bismarck.

An agenda is posted on the Commission’s site (, and members of the public may submit questions and comments, which will be relayed to the chairs. 

TEAMS videoconference link 

Individuals who wish to submit questions or concerns in advance can submit them via the contact form on the website, or contact Dan Gulya at, or call 701-328-3946, toll free 800-472-2670, 711 (TTY).

People who need accommodations to participate should contact Dan Gulya prior to the meeting at 701-328-2950, toll-free 800-472-2670, 711 (TTY) or